Application communication ways – WCF Data Services with EF Code First, WPF and WP7

Let’s assume there is an application database and the various client applications developed in Windows Presentation Foundation, Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 and ASP.NET MVC 3. The database is either MS SQL Server or MS SQL Server CE. Now the potential customer may use one or many of these applications/platforms so the connections to the database must be performed from all of these clients.
The following scenarios are considered. I tried to list some points that should be considered when choosing particular connection approach. The pictures represents the general architecture of the approach.

By Mirek on (tags: OData, WCF, WP7, categories: architecture, infrastructure)

Forms authentication for all

Earlier I wrote about the problems of a common authentication approach. Today, I’m going to do a quick demonstration how to set up forms authentication to secure a web app with an oData service and how to use forms authentication to connect to the service from a wpf client.

By eidias on (tags: authentication, categories: code)

Disk encription software.

Recently I had to install an encryption software because I have started to keep some confidential data on my laptop and wanted to be sure it will not be compromised in case of my laptop is stolen.
I was really surprised when notice the mass of encryption software available on the market. There is various options and features which such software can serve and they are quite neatly described on Wikipedia.

By Mirek on (tags: BitLocker, Encryption, Security, TrueCrypt, categories: infrastructure)

Creating Help documents for web and desktop applications.

During software application development there is always a moment when user manual an help content must be written. Choosing appropriate tool for that is very important and decides about help creating and updating process speed. Help format is as important as the help itself and must be easily accessible from the application and convenient for the end user.

By Mirek on (tags: Help content, categories: infrastructure)

DI Containers – comparison

This blog shortly describes a few chosen DI containers and their out-of-the-box functionality. If a certain container does not have a specific platform listed, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s not possible to use it there – it just means that it’s not in the box.

By eidias on (tags: IoC, categories: None)

Authentication, Authorization and other things we shouldn’t worry about any more

Recently I needed to do some research on the topic of authentication, authorization and related stuff. After spending quite some time on it, I was pretty depressed – one would imagine, that a topic so common has already been handled in a standardized, common and comfortable (both for the user and the developer) way – well, it hasn’t, or do I demand to much?

By eidias on (tags: authentication, categories: architecture)

Dependency Injection Containers

In a previous post, I tried to describe what inversion of control is. Here, we’ll take a look at the design pattern that helps with it.

By eidias on (tags: IoC, categories: architecture)

A quick intro to IoC

There are two terms that have been loudly spoken for a while now IoC (Inversion of Control) and DI (Dependency Injection). In this post, I’ll try to sketch a picture of what these terms actually mean.

By eidias on (tags: IoC, categories: architecture)