Nested foreach loops replacement in C#

Nested foreach loops is something that I have always felt uncomfortable with. Recently I have found out more elegant and in some cases even more efficient, replacement for nested double foreach loop.

By Mirek on (tags: c#, Join, categories: code)

Where to learn CSS3

For those who start their adventure with web developing, especially with cascading style sheets, or those who want to catch up on what is new in CSS3, there are couple of resources you might find quite useful and reach.

By Mirek on (tags: css, categories: web)

Testing the web - a new hope

There are plenty of ways to test web apps, but most of them require a cumbersome setup and a lot of tools installed and I’m just too lazy to do that. But I just found something that may work in my favour.

By eidias on (tags: fluent, testing, categories: tools, web)

WPF CollectionView can leak memory

A time ago I wrote about using collection views in WPF to achieve different looks at the same source collection. By creating different instances of ListCollectionView we could have the collection displayed in different sorting, ordering and grouping shape. Unfortunately there is small trap when using collection views.

By Mirek on (tags: CollectionView, memory leak, WPF, categories: code)