Calculate SHA hex

Forms authentication has an option to use a web.config based authentication. One of the possible encryption algorithms is sha1. To calculate it, you can create a tool in c# (I even did that, but.. I lost it when my drive crashed) or you can use python.

By eidias on (tags: authentication, categories: tools)

Forms authentication for all

Earlier I wrote about the problems of a common authentication approach. Today, I’m going to do a quick demonstration how to set up forms authentication to secure a web app with an oData service and how to use forms authentication to connect to the service from a wpf client.

By eidias on (tags: authentication, categories: code)

Authentication, Authorization and other things we shouldn’t worry about any more

Recently I needed to do some research on the topic of authentication, authorization and related stuff. After spending quite some time on it, I was pretty depressed – one would imagine, that a topic so common has already been handled in a standardized, common and comfortable (both for the user and the developer) way – well, it hasn’t, or do I demand to much?

By eidias on (tags: authentication, categories: architecture)